With the current COVID-related travel restrictions changing so quickly we wanted to do an episode all about them to help you sort it out. Wondering where can Americans Travel Right Now? Listen to this week’s episode of Travel Babies to learn where and what the restrictions look like!
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JQ: Hey Travel babies, the world is finally opening back up, international travel actually feels possible once again, and we’re here to help you sort it all out.
Juliana: This is travel babies. We’re just two sisters trying to travel the world in style, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. Each week we talk about all the important travel topics to help you decide when, where and how to explore the world in style.
Juliana: I’m Juliana from Travel With Juliana, a professional travel blogger from Boston,
JQ: and I’m JQ from JQlouise.com and I’m a travel writer, blogger and influencer. Also in Boston. Combined, we have over 200000 followers across our social media platforms and we love sharing our travel tips and tricks with you all.
Juliana: But before we get started, don’t forget to subscribe and give us a review. If you enjoy our podcast, it really helps us a lot. So last month we shared all of our advice on how to plan girls trip getaways. But this month we are switching gears to help our travel babies make sense of the changing international travel rules.
JQ: Exactly. So with the vaccine distribution really starting to pick up, this means that to travel rules are changing once again. So last year when the world shut down, we all had to get used to the new covid travel rules requiring testing and quarantine and things like that. But now things are starting to open up. So it’s shifting gears once again. So in this episode, let’s get started by talking about the different categories of travel restrictions and requirements. So on the one hand, there are a few countries where there are no covid related travel restrictions. And on the other hand, there are countries where you need the vaccine to visit the country. So let’s discuss where Americans can travel right now!
Where Americans Can Travel Without Restrictions

Juliana: OK, so which countries are open right now with no testing, no quarantine or no vaccine requirements?
JQ: So for Americans, there are few countries that you can visit with no requirements. There’s Mexico, Albania, Tanzania, the Dominican Republic and actually North Macedonia. So those are five countries that I found. There may be a few more, but I’m pretty sure that’s it for now as of the end of March. So, you know, I know a lot of people have been taking advantage of going to Mexico, seen a lot of pictures of people going to Tuloom in Cancun over the winter. And I think it’s it’s great because the hotels have really stepped up and have offered all of these new safety programs and safety protocols so that people can have fun and still visit safely, even doing so without restrictions.
Juliana: Right. And Mexico is a great place for Americans to go to because usually the flights are pretty short and you can go for a short amount of time if you just want like a quick trip.
JQ: Exactly. And for the other countries, I mean, they’re all are doing these things for different reasons. I mean, the Dominican Republic is similar to Mexico where they’re used to having a lot of American travelers. So now that the covid situation is a lot more under control in the U.S., I’m sure that had a big role to play in them kind of loosening their restrictions. And then for Tanzania, North Macedonia and Albania, I mean, these are countries that have travelers from all over the world, but they’re also they’re not the most popular tourist destination. So I feel like for them the risk was just low due to demand. I mean, except for Tanzania, I mean, they have some amazing safari opportunities. So I’m sure they have demand there. But the list is obviously still very small right now because the world is still dealing with the pandemic. And depending where you are, the vaccine rollout has been faster or slower. So hopefully we see this list continue to grow as more and more people get vaccinated and things just generally become safer. But for now, the list is still pretty small.

Juliana: Yeah. And I mean, as more Americans get vaccinated, I feel like more countries will just open up to Americans specifically because they won’t have to be worried that a lot of American tourists are going to start, you know, spread covid more. So that’ll be exciting when most Americans are vaccinated.
JQ: Exactly. I know. I mean, this was such a change for us last year when the world really closed down specifically to Americans. The American passport is one of the most powerful passports in the world. Typically, we can travel to, I’m pretty sure the most countries without a visa or without any extra requirements in normal times. So this year has definitely been an adjustment to American travelers getting used to requirements and restrictions that we’ve never had before. Keep reading to learn more about where Americans can travel right now!
Where Americans Can Travel with Testing or Vaccine Requirements

Juliana: Yeah, exactly. OK, so now let’s move on to the category of countries where Americans are allowed to travel to with, you know, some testing requirements or vaccine requirements.
JQ: Yeah. So this is the biggest category right now. I think there have been so many countries over the past year that have opened back up to Americans. If you had you know, if you could provide a negative covid test within a certain amount of time before your departure. And now we are starting to see countries roll out the vaccine option as well. And recently, the big news this month was that Iceland was reopening to American tourists. If you’re fully vaccinated,
Juliana: Yeah, that’s really exciting, I mean, just to know that some countries are going to going to start doing that and that Iceland already has is a big game changer, because once if you can prove that you’re vaccinated and you have been maybe for a certain amount of time and they’re OK with that, with you coming in, then that’s a huge game changer.

JQ: Exactly. Because places like Iceland, I mean, that’s a very popular tourist destination for Americans, especially from the East Coast, because it’s so close, the flights are cheap and the country has so much to see. I think in 2019 and 2018, it was one of the most popular kind of affordable travel destinations where you could have this amazing adventure on a budget. And it was very convenient. So that is a huge step because they’re also, you know, connected to the EU and to the whole kind of Europe travel zone. So they are really the first country to do so from that region of the world. Keep reading to learn more about where Americans can travel right now!
JQ: Yeah, and I’m really hoping that obviously other European countries follow in the footsteps. Like once more people are vaccinated, they’ll just feel more comfortable doing that.
JQ: Exactly. And I want to get back to that in a little bit. But first, let’s keep talking about the countries that have these testing requirements, because there are a lot of places that you can visit if you’re an American, if you can provide a negative covid test within 72 hours, 48 hours, sometimes five days, sometimes 10 days, depending on the country. And these are actually a lot of the most convenient destinations for us right now. So like the Bahamas, Jamaica, Aruba, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, these are all open. If you can provide a negative test, you know, within their certain time frame and follow a few other guidelines, like sign a health form, you know, agree to additional testing if needed, that kind of thing.

Juliana: Yeah. Honestly, a lot of these places like I’ve been wanting to go to during I mean, I went to Puerto Rico, we got our test. So a lot of these places like are pretty convenient still for Americans to go to, even with the covid test. I know that kind of is a little bit tricky with like getting it far enough in advance, but not too far in advance so that it still meets the requirement. But one place like I’ve really been wanting to go to is Morocco, because that’s I don’t I haven’t I’ve never been there. So it’s a great time to go now that it is like open to Americans, at least with a covid test. So I think even still a lot of these are great opportunities to go to places you might not normally go with these requirements.
JQ: Exactly. I know Morocco has been on my list for ever, too. And another one is Egypt.
Juliana: Yeah, me too. Keep reading to learn more about where Americans can travel right now!
JQ: Like, I would love to go to either of those places and I have started to do some research on it. And as long as you get the covid test in time, you’re all set to go,
Juliana: Right, Exactly. I think actually the issue for me when we are looking at flights to go to Morocco, this is like back in the winter or fall was a lot of the flights go through European countries such as France. And I was really worried that I just wouldn’t be able to do the connecting flight. Yeah, I think that was the main issue.

JQ: Yeah, that is definitely a fear because I feel like that is the biggest unknown right now. Like, you don’t know what they’re going to say to you when you get there.
Juliana: Exactly. And things change daily, literally. So in these especially in European airports, everything is just honestly kind of a mess. Like you don’t know what you’re going to be walking into. So better to play it safe and just not go, I guess. I don’t know. Keep reading to learn more about where Americans can travel right now!
JQ: Yeah, I know. I mean, I’ve literally felt the same way because like from Morocco, sometimes you can get direct flights, but you can in the flights have been have been very limited lately. So I know the routes I’ve seen to mostly go through Europe.
Juliana: Yeah. Especially for Morocco. I think maybe for Istanbul. It’s a little bit it’s I think you might be able to get a direct flight, but it’s a lot more on the expensive side because it’s direct.
JQ: Yeah, I know Turkey. Turkey has been one of those countries that’s been open to people and until recently they were fully open with no requirements. But you can go there now if you have a negative covid test within 72 hours before your flight. So I know. Yeah, flying to Istanbul, I know it’s possible direct from Boston, but again, it’s just
Juliana: you don’t know what’s going to happen. And I mean, also like flying, I’ve really been wanting to go to Marrakech because it’s just so colorful. I see, you know, photos on social media all the time like of it. And it’s just we’ve been wanting to go. But like I said, I don’t think there’s any direct flights from Boston to Marrakech in the last couple of months. Keep reading to learn more about where Americans can travel right now!
JQ: Yeah, I mean, that is I mean, Juliana brings up a great point. I mean, just the limited flights is a deterrent all on its own. Like even if you’re able to get your covid test in time and, you know, deal with all the health requirements, a big restriction has been these limited flights. And actually, I’ve started to see the prices of flights going up lately. Keep reading to learn more about where Americans can travel right now!
Juliana: Yeah, a lot because, you know. Maybe it’s because more people are starting to travel, but also just because there’s they haven’t really been like increasing the number of flights probably per day of in these, you know, well traveled like in the popular routes. Yeah. So I don’t think I think that maybe that’s why the price is going up. More people are just like actually flying and they’re not increasing the demand for it. So, yeah, it’s a bit tricky. I mean, I’ve been trying to just like look at flight prices every day and just see what the trends are just to know what’s going on.
JQ: Exactly. And we both noticed that during this springtime, like during spring break, all of the popular Caribbean destinations have been really busy. Like prices are almost double for some destinations right now, I think, in the Caribbean.
Juliana: Exactly. And I mean, even, you know, before covid, I feel like prices were not that high, even during, like, peak season of spring break. But, you know, now they are pretty much almost double what they used to be. Obviously, like when covid first started price flight prices were so, so low, but no one was able to travel anyway, so it didn’t matter. So now they’re just. Yeah. Now they’re just climbing up again.
JQ: Yep. So that’s definitely something to keep in mind. If you are looking to travel to one of these destinations where you’re able to if you get the negative covid test or with the vaccine. So definitely keep that in mind. Flight prices are really fluctuating right now. So do your research plan ahead, at least if you see a deal for flight, lock it in, make sure you have a a refund possibility or, you know, you can get your money back if things change or the rules change. So just know what the airline’s policies are. Yeah, exactly.
Juliana: And a lot of airlines always will say, like, you know, you can get a full refund up to a week before. If it’s less than a week before and you cancel, you can get a voucher. If it’s less than a day before you don’t get any money back. So, like, really make sure, you know, the rules of that specific airlines so that you’re not surprised if you need, like in what they say, if you do need to change plans or anything happens.
Which Countries Are Opening Up Soon

JQ: OK, so let’s move on to kind of the biggest news, I would say, and this is something that everyone’s kind of holding their breath for. These are the countries that were waiting to open soon. And for Americans, this mostly means Europe. So when Europe closed to Americans a year ago, none of us have been there. I mean, it’s just crazy.
Juliana: I just I just haven’t been there. And I mean, no one’s been there in over a year pretty much. And I think, you know, we were like us specifically. We’re used to going there so often. So that was just a huge change. And I think now no one really thought it would be close for that long. Yeah. Like, oh, you know, month or two maybe. You know, I had we both had trips canceled and we’re like, oh, we can reschedule. Like, I you know, last March, this time last year, I was supposed to go to Rome. I had a trip planned for like May 2020. And then I was like, oh, like maybe it’ll be open again by then. So then everything will just be fine. But you know, it’s been over a year and nothing’s changed.
JQ: So I know like I had a trip so you know, like Juliana and like most people I had trips planned in in March and April last year that obviously got canceled. And we knew, OK, like, that’s not going to happen right away. But honestly, I really thought I’d be able to go by Labor Day last year. So I had a big Italy trip planned that I was working on over the summer. And I was like, OK, definitely by September 1st it’ll be open. And here we are.
Juliana: I know. I mean, I really thought, like by last summer it would be open because cases were going down in most places. And then, you know, with the warmer weather, you could do more things outside than you than you could when it was cold, like last March. So I’m just like really, really hoping that by this Summer, Europe is like almost open or like getting there because I just like it. Don’t want to miss another Summer. Summer is the best time to go to Europe or, you know, like September fall, fall time. So, yeah, I’m just really hoping. Me too.

JQ: And the good news on the horizon is that Greece officially announced that they’ll be open to tourists who are vaccinated or can provide negative tests on May 14th.
Juliana: Yeah, so that’s super exciting because Greece like actually announcing this in and going publicly with it now, which is pretty far in advance, like May, May 14th. You know, we still have it’s a little ways away. But I think obviously their thinking is like by then, most American tourists will probably be vaccinated.
JQ: Exactly. And, you know, the rates I mean, we’re so lucky and fortunate that our, you know, vaccine rates have been so high in America that we have the supply and that people are actually going out to go get them and that the system for your appointment is, you know, working well enough, because I know a lot of other countries are struggling with this. So I know that we feel very fortunate about that in America. So, I mean, I’m really excited to get back. Go out there and hopefully with Greece announcing this, like Juliana said so far in advance, it’ll kind of urge the rest of Europe to do the same thing. And I know they are thinking about this green certificate. So what that is, it’s a proposal in, you know, among the EU countries that if you’re vaccinated or have a negative covid test, you can get this green digital certificate. So that means that you’re free to travel as you normally would within the EU because the EU, their whole thing was free travel, you know, within the region. And that’s been closed down for the past year or so. They really want to open that back up and hopefully they do open that back up to Americans and to other international people. So I’m hopeful that that’ll all change soon.
Juliana: Yeah, exactly. And did you hear of any other countries, you know, saying that they might reopen to other tourists soon? Keep reading to learn more about where Americans can travel right now!
JQ: So one that I was surprised about is the U.K. I mean, Boris Johnson announced that he’s shooting for May 17th as his reopened date for the U.K.. I mean I mean, maybe that can happen. They are getting vaccinated pretty quickly, just like in the U.S. So he did announce that. And hopefully that does, again, just kind of act as another bullet point for the rest of Europe to kind of push forward and figure out how to reopen. And then I know Japan has been talking about the same kind of thing because they’ve been, like, fully shut down to international visitors. So, you know, hopefully Japan will kind of be that tipping point for Asia because I’d love to go back to, you know, Japan or Hong Kong or, you know, pretty much anywhere Singapore. I mean, I’d love to do that trip this year, too. Yeah.
Juliana: I would really love to go to Asia this year. I mean, it’s all really exciting news, I think, because once some countries start to open up, it’s kind of, you know, like you said, kind of urge other countries to do the same and just figure out a way to make it work, because obviously 2020 was a really hard year on many countries’ economies. Everybody probably. So it’s exciting. We hope this clarified the new travel requirements for you. Catch us next week for more travel tips. Thanks, JQ.
JQ: Thanks, Juliana.