As the world continues to open back up, we are gearing up for a summer of travel. Each week on Travel Babies we talk about important travel topics to help you decide when, where, and how to explore the world in style. This week we talk about our top 5 favorite travel essentials. Find out which 5 items we never travel without and why we always bring those things with us. This episode is all about our 5 essential travel items.
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JQ: The world is opening back up and people are starting to plan trips for this summer and maybe even the fall. This week we are talking about our absolute must have items to bring on any trip.
Juliana: This is travel babies. We’re just two sisters trying to travel the world in style, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. Each week we talk about important travel topics to help you decide when, where and how to explore the world in style. I’m Juliana from Travel With Juliana, a professional travel blogger from Boston,
JQ: and I’m JQ from, and I’m also a professional travel writer, blogger and influencer, also from Boston. Combined, we have over 200,000 followers across our social media platforms and we love sharing our travel tips and tricks with you all before we get started. Don’t forget to subscribe and give us a review. If you enjoy our podcast, it really helps us a lot.
Juliana: So last week we talked about how to stay productive at work while on a trip. We’re so excited to be planning and taking more trips, but that also means making sure we have everything we need. So let’s get started. We want to talk about our top five favorite items to bring.
Essential Travel Items Phone Chargers

JQ: OK, so number one on our list is pretty much anything that you need for your phone, depending on which destination you’re headed to. So if you’re traveling internationally, this means have any adapters that you may need for, you know, the power outlets. And just in general, you should always bring a portable battery with you, you know, one of those battery packs, because you never know when you might need, you know, some extra juice in your battery.
Juliana: Yeah, exactly. I love those because a lot of them, you can get like really small ones that are basically the size of your phone or even smaller and fit it like in a really small bag. So if you’re out at night and you have a really small bag or things like that, and they’re usually pretty cheap, like on Amazon, you can get one for like, you know, 15, 20 dollars. So I think that’s definitely a must because, you know, if you’re out all day, you never know when your phone might die.
JQ: Exactly. And the great thing is, you know, you can hold those things, usually hold a few charges. So you could fully charge your phone a few times on a trip with the same battery without having to charge the battery.
Juliana: It’s a great point. And then, you know, for the adapters to I think obviously that’s a big one depending on where you’re traveling. So making sure you have the right one. But there’s also some cheaper options on Amazon. Like if you don’t want to always have to get the Apple one, there’s definitely some cheaper options, like for Europe or for Asia, where you can just plug in an American plug into an into an adapter. So, you know, definitely look around. There’s definitely different options at different price points.
JQ: Exactly. And, you know, I think it’s good to have a few different options with you because then you can double up and maybe use it for your laptop as well, that kind of thing. But I always do try to have the Apple adapters because all my devices, you know, I have an iPhone and MacBook, you know, you can use the same adapter for all your devices, but just in case you lose it or something like that, you know, it is good to have a backup of a generic adapter, but I do definitely recommend the Apple ones because then, you know, your devices will be safe.
Juliana: Yeah, that’s a great point. I know sometimes with, like different off brand ones, they might work for a little while, but then maybe over time, if you use them a lot, it might kind of mess up your phone charge or something. You know, you never you never really know unless it’s like made by the brands that your phone is. So that’s a great point.
JQ: Yeah, exactly, so, yeah, just to wrap up, you know, our number one item is just kind of phone necessities, obviously. Don’t forget your phone, but you know, anything to charge it and including adapters and portable batteries is definitely a must.
Essential Travel Beauty Sunscreen

Juliana: So moving on to our next item and this, you know, we use it at home. We use it all the time when we travel, no matter what the weather is, is sunscreen. Obviously, if you’re going to a warmer destination, you know, you’re going to be outside in the sun all the time. It’s a must there’s we use so many different types of sunscreen. You know, if you’re if we’re going to be at the beach or the pool all day, we use like a specific role on kind for your face. Maybe it’s a bit of a higher SPF. And then there’s the spray kind of lotions. There’s so many different types. So, you know, find the one that that works best for you and that you, you know, is easy to travel with. There’s even, you know, small travel size. It is such an important item to have with you all the time.
JQ: Yeah. And I think always bring a few different types because you never know what situation you will be in. Like, I love to bring a Neutrogena on for our face. It’s a 70 SPF, so that one’s great because it rolls on. So you don’t have to get your hands, you know, greasy or anything and you can reapply it so easily throughout the day. But then for the pool, the, you know, spray on kind of sport, sunscreen is what we like the most because it tends to dry quickly and really soak in and also stay on even after going in the water.
But then I always do bring a backup cream sunscreen in case I either run out of the spray kind or if they take away the spray kind at TSA because that it’s funny. That actually happened to me on our trip to Jamaica last week. I brought a brand new full size spray sunscreen, and I usually do this and it’s usually fine because, you know, it’s slightly above the size that you’re supposed to have for liquids. But because I’m TSA PreCheck, usually I can get away with it. But it was so funny. It was a brand new and they stopped my bag. They had to look through my stuff and they actually took it out of the
Juliana: it’s so funny this time because I know you did that when we went to Mexico to ever it was quick and easy and fun. And it is always kind of a risk. But, you know, you it is just above the limit. So it does kind of suck that they did take it. But yeah, I mean, the good thing is, you know, you can always get sunscreen and whatever destination you you’re in pretty easily. But like, that’s why, like JQ said, if you can bring the different kinds, the different sizes, you know, you’ll always have something with you, because my fear is just like being in a really sunny place or something and not being able to go get any and not having like any protection. But yeah, that’s really funny that happened that time.
JQ: Yeah, super annoying, but, hey, I mean, that’s why I literally had, like two other smaller ones just in case that happens, because my biggest pet peeve is having to put on cream or lotion, sunscreen at the beach, like on your whole body. It takes forever. It’s such a pain and you use so much of it. So I feel like in the small travel size bottles, like you can run out in like a day if you have to cream.
Juliana: I know. Well, like, you know, some of our friends use, like, the nontoxic kind. And I actually really want to try it. It is the cream. But I wonder, like, how does it feel on your skin? How do you how does it like how is it and compared to the other ones with the tanning, like there’s so many different types of sunscreen these days, I think, you know, try it you different couple of sunscreen and see what works best for you.
JQ: Yeah, exactly. But definitely don’t forget it, you know, bring some sunscreen no matter what brand or type that you choose, like definitely bring some with you and at least have a back up travel size in case they do take away the full size at TSA because you know, something is better than nothing. And like we said in one of our other episodes, it’s always good to have the necessities with you, even though you will most likely be able to purchase this in your destination. It’s just a huge pain of having to figure out where can I buy it, how much will it cost, you know, can I find the brand that I like? So try to bring the sunscreen, you know, that you like with you. That way you don’t have to worry when you get there.
Juliana: Yeah, I think I tend to prioritize. I like the face sunscreen. So I know like I have I have the same role on one that you have, like the Neutrogena or like I have a face lotion and one I think I’m always like more concerned about it getting like burned on my face. And, you know, I just like it’s really whenever I get like a small sunburn, I’m always like kicking myself like, oh, why did I stay in the sun like that long? It’s never worth it. And always, like, just reapplying sunscreen is so important when you’re going to be outside all day. And I mean, even in the colder weather, like the sun can still be pretty strong. So even if you’re not going to like a beach destination, it’s so important to have with you. So I always focus and make sure I have the like a face kind or at least a lotion with SPF in it. You know, I think we did we talked about this in one episode, like with the different makeups, applying sunscreen like SPF underneath is always great to have. So, yeah, definitely a really important item.
JQ: And Juliana, I remember when we were in Mexico, you were actually telling me this about the UV index. So, you know, you should check what the UV index typically is in whatever destination you’ll be headed to, because that can help guide you on what type of sunscreen you should get, like what level of SPF protection that you need and as well as how many times you should reapply. Because I’m just looking at it now and, you know, the UVA index, it goes mostly up to ten. But I think when we were in Mexico, we checked and they claimed it was eleven.
Juliana: It was really strong. I mean, for I got like a tiny bit of a burn when we were in Mexico afterwards. And it was because, one, it’s like if it’s the first time, if it’s like, you know, you live in the northeast, in Boston, it’s cold all the winter. And then when the sun finally starts to come out, then you go to a beach destination. That’s your first time, like really in the sun all year and you’re not used to it. So definitely be careful. Like if it’s your first time, like, that was for us, like really reapply and be careful though, in the shade. Don’t spend your whole day in the sun. But yeah, it was the, the index was like eleven and I just remember being like, OK, we need to get out of the sun or reapply or else we’re probably going to get burned. Because the other thing too is you don’t feel even if the like the UVA index is really high, you might not feel yourself burning, but you are. So that’s why you do need to be careful.
JQ: Yeah. And just to give you guys some context, I just checked the UV index for Boston. So today it’s like seventy five degrees out and the or actually it says it’s seventy nine degrees out right now and the UVA index is only four. But in Miami right now it’s like the same temperature and the UV index is seven. So it’s a big difference and it really depends on like the angle of the sun and the strength of the sun, you know, in, you know, depending on what season it is and where in the world you are. So, you know, it’s not only about the temperature.
Juliana: Yeah, exactly. And that is part of what can trick you like. It’s seventy five in a bunch of different cities around the world. But the you the index could be much, much stronger and one than the other. So yeah, that’s a great tip. Look at the index and it’s literally just like on any weather. OK, it’s super easy to find, you know, in what city you’re clicked on.
JQ: Yeah. And I just checked. So it’s on the normal weather app on your on your iPhone, like it’s you just have to scroll. And it says UV index, and I didn’t even realize that until we went to Mexico, so I’ll definitely be using that more this summer.
Reusable Water Bottle
JQ: OK, so let’s move on to number three. And this is a reusable water bottle.
Juliana: Yeah. So this is something that I always, you know, try to have with me all the time, even when I’m home. I think, you know, staying hydrated is so, so important. We’ve talked about that in a bunch of different episodes. You know, the good thing is a lot of destinations, you can pretty much easily refill your water bottle, especially when you’re in the airports or any, you know, train stations. There’s usually a water fountain you can use. So that’s definitely a must have for me.
JQ: Yeah, this has been one of my go to since I was in college. I mean, having a reusable water bottle or, you know, like back in college before reusable water bottles were that popular. I would just bring in empty plastic water bottle with me because this way you don’t have to pay for water. I mean, I think this is one thing I hate wasting money on at airports is paying like six dollars for small water bottle. I just think it’s such a waste. And, you know, now with the whole sustainability trend, having a nice reusable water bottle is so smart because you don’t waste money on buying water bottles as well as you know, it’s more sustainable moving away from single use plastic. And also these a lot of these water bottles will keep your water cold like all day.
Juliana: I know that’s such a great tip because and I definitely started to like in in high school and college when water bottles, like reusable ones really became popular and people started to move away from the plastic ones. You know, I’ve had like a swell water bottle for years now, and they last super long. They keep your water cooled. Or if you want to have a hot beverage in it, they keep it hot for like hours to so and they really work. I mean, I’ve done it so many times and I totally agree, like paying for water when you don’t need to and like wasting another plastic water bottle is really just not worth it. So having your own that you can bring with you everywhere. And there’s, you know, obviously tons of different sizes. It doesn’t need to be a huge one. Like, I tend to stick to something we’re medium size that can fit in most of my bags or like even if I want to bring a smaller bag, it can usually fit in like one of those small backpacks. So I think it’s just a great way to help the environment and also stay hydrated.
JQ: Exactly. And it’s a great item to have with you when you’re actually traveling, when you’re at the airport and on the plane, because then, you know, if you have it with you, you’ll just naturally sip on it throughout your flight and throughout your day at the airport. And, you know, we’ve mentioned this so many times, it’s so easy to get dehydrated while you’re traveling. So just having a water bottle with you reminds you to drink more water. So it’s great for so many reasons. And then also, when you get to your destination, having a reusable water bottle makes it easier to stay hydrated on your trip, too.
Juliana: Yeah, exactly. And so many destinations. I mean, when you and I were in Rome, obviously there’s like free water. You know, it’s easy to get free water, basically. So you just need, like a water bottle to carry and take it with you. So, so many places have that, you know, it’s just an easy, easy way to stay hydrated. And, you know, when you’re on the plane, too, I usually try to, like, drink all the water in my own water bottle. And then I, I keep asking them for water, too. And most airlines obviously give free water. So you just you know, you’re hydrated the entire time so that you’re not you know, we talked about, like, how to stay healthy when you’re traveling, like drinking enough water is definitely one of them.
JQ: Exactly, so don’t forget your water bottle, and I would recommend having a smaller or medium sized one, like don’t go for one of those mega water bottles because it’ll be too big. And then you’re carrying around a heavy water bottle all day. Like that’s, you know, like, you know, like 16 ounces at the most because like, yeah, that’s as much as you’ll be able to drink before you’ll be able to fill it up again.
Travel Documents

Juliana: Right, exactly. And that’s a good point. OK, so the next item that is definitely really important for everybody when they travel are just copies of all of your important documents. So, you know, passport and he like medical cards. You might need a visa like anything that you need that’s more like your ID is always super important to have copies of it. I like to put them in like a safe folder in Dropbox, I know we can access it any time. These are just always really important to have on you to.
JQ: Exactly, having copies have a physical scan of your passport and these days any covid documents, you know, have a printout of it with you and keep it separately from your actual passport, because for whatever reason, if your passport gets lost or stolen, having a copy of it can make your life a lot easier. You know, if you have to go to an embassy or some other emergency situation. So have a copy of this. And then, like Juliana said, also have a digital scan of it as well, because that’ll be higher quality. And depending on what the requirements are, what you have to do, you know, having a physical copy and a digital copy will be very helpful.
Juliana: Yeah, exactly. I think, you know, obviously be careful like that kind of starts with just like being really careful with your stuff. Like have you know where to put your belongings when you’re traveling, if there’s a safe in your hotel, put the important stuff in there, or if you if you think it’s better to have it with you. So that kind of starts from there. But like Jacqueline said, if you do end up needing the copy, it’s going to make your life a lot easier than if you didn’t have any sort of copy of it. And then I think another thing, too, is just like any sort of medical cards, too, because if you have, like, insurance that can kind of cover you for basic needs abroad, like, that’s a great a great thing to have to just because you never know. Obviously, the worst the worst case is like you get sick or you get injured or and you need to go to a hospital or something. But if you have none of your medical sort of documentation with you, you don’t even know what you’re what’s you’re covered for. So having that with you will just make your life easier as well.
JQ: Exactly, and these things are just important reminders as we all start to travel internationally again, you know, it’s been a while, so don’t forget about some of the basic things that you may have gotten used to doing when you were traveling regularly. But now we all need to get back into the swing of things.
Essential Health Travel Items

Juliana: Yeah, exactly. OK, so then the last item that we usually like to bring with us, which is again sort of important for health and just wellness when you’re traveling, are just our typical vitamins that we take or any medicine that you, you know, you might need when you’re abroad, that you just don’t want to, like, forget when you’re you kind of forget about when you’re home, because also a lot of the different brands and stuff that you may like here might be hard to find when you’re abroad, depending on where you are.
So definitely just take some of that stuff with you. You don’t need to take like a full, you know, new pack of it. But a few is definitely good.
JQ: Yeah, definitely bring some vitamin C, Advil, Tums, that kind of thing. Like just like basic stuff in case, you know, you get a headache or your stomach feels upset, you know, maybe bring Pepto abysmal, like bring some like basic things to just have with you. Like Juliana and I both have kind of a little emergency kit of this stuff that we just leave in our suitcases that we use on every trip. So, you know, it’s always good just to have these things with you. And I think, again, as we all start to travel more and go further abroad, bring these things with you that you might forget about, like it’s really time to think about, OK, what do I need when I’m traveling in a new country, a new place where you might not speak the language where, you know, you’re not familiar with. So it’s good to just have these things with you so you don’t have to worry about it.
Juliana: Yeah, definitely. I know. I love to bring vitamin C with me. I think also like because of covid, I started taking more just supplements and vitamins to keep my immune system up. So that’s always a good thing to remember, too. When you’re traveling, maybe your immune system is going to be down more than it usually would be if you’re at home. Like if you’re getting less sleep, you’re not as hydrated, those sorts of things. So taking vitamins can kind of boost your immune system. So having a few with you and, you know, maybe it is easy to find different ones in the destination you’re in or, you know, the brand or obviously if you’re traveling within the U.S. But, you know, like JQ said, just having a little pack of the things, you know, you definitely need and you don’t want to have to find when you’re in the destination can be really, really helpful.
JQ: Exactly. So basically, our recommendations for this episode is just to really sit down. And before you start traveling, think about all the things that you need. Again, like, you know, these are our top five items, but there’s definitely a lot more items that you should bring with you that are must haves, depending on which destination you’re headed to. But, you know, these are just some recommendations on the basics.
Travel Tip

Juliana: As you may have heard from our previous episodes. We’re starting our new segment every week at the end of each episode. And at the end of each episode, we are going to give our favorite travel tip of the week. So this week, our travel tip is to really just prepare as much as you can before you go. You leave for a trip. So, you know, we started talking about how more people traveling internationally, things are opening back up again. And most of us haven’t traveled internationally for a little over a year. So it is sort of like you have to relearn the things you did before. So really just prepare as much as possible. Think about everything you need. You know, whenever I travel, I always make a list of everything I need. And so I could literally, like, cross it off. Yeah. Just prepare as much as you can.
JQ: Exactly. Yeah. Make a list. That’s a great tip. Like I do that every single time after I, you know, before I’m traveling and, you know, before I’m packing for a trip, like make a list of the must haves. And I still put like the basic things in them are like no phone, passport, phone charger, computer, computer charger, wallet, medicine. You know, I do the same. Put these things on your list, because at least if you have the main things, everything else you can figure out, like if you forget it, you know, if you forget like a bathing suit or a shirt, like you can buy that when you’re there and it doesn’t matter. It’s not the end of the world. Yeah. Or it’s like, you know, I’m sure you packed more than one bathing suit. Like, you know, those things aren’t the end of the world, but these important things can ruin your trip if you don’t have them.
Juliana: Thank you for tuning into the Trouble Babies podcast. We really appreciate your support. And if you and your podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and give us a review, it really helps us a lot.
JQ: We hope you enjoyed hearing about our must have items when we travel. Catch us next week to hear all about our favorite patio’s in Boston. Thanks to Q Thanks, Juliana.