Each week we talk about important travel topics to help you decide when, where, and how to explore the world in style. This month we are helping US travelers get ready to travel again. And in this week’s episode we are talking all about our travel beauty routines and makeup tips. Hear from us on our personal experience as well as from our special guest, Haley Navarro, who is an international makeup artist who works on editorials, weddings and more all over the world. Listen now for some expert travel beauty tips.
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JQ: Hey travel babies wondering how travel bloggers always look so put together and trips, a big part of that is what we bring in our makeup bags.
Juliana: This is travel babies. We’re just two sisters trying to travel the world in style. But sometimes things don’t go as planned. Each week we talk about important travel topics to help you decide when, where and how to explore the world in style. I’m Juliana from Travel Juliana, a professional travel blogger from Boston,
JQ: And I’m JQ from JQlouise.com. And I’m also a professional travel writer, blogger and influencer, also from Boston. Combined, we have over 200000 followers across our social media platforms and we love sharing our travel tips and tricks with you all before we get started. Don’t forget to subscribe and give us a review. If you enjoy our podcast, it really helps us a lot.
Juliana: Last week we talked about the vaccine and what that means for travel this summer. This week we’re talking about what we bring in our make bags and when we travel and how those things help us look and feel our best. We’re also speaking with a special guest, Haley Navarro Mofadel and international makeup artist based in Morocco, who will be sharing her travel, makeup and beauty tips with us as well.
JQ: So, Juliana, why don’t we start talking about the essentials that we bring in our beauty bags?

Travel Beauty Tips: What do we bring in beauty bags?
Juliana: Yeah, so there’s definitely some must haves that you absolutely need to bring with you wherever you go. You know, no matter what the weather is. My first thing is definitely sunscreen. You know, I never leave the house without it. When I’m home. I always put it on even when I don’t plan to leave the house, which happened a lot this year. I always put on sunscreen because even when you’re sitting by a window with a lot of sunlight, I always need it on. And then obviously, if you’re going to a really sunny place, that is a must.
JQ: Exactly. And it’s awesome because there are some great travel size sunscreens. Now, I feel like they used to all just be in the big bottles, especially for the spray sunscreen. But you can even get spray sunscreen that’s in a little bottle, which is awesome because, you know, I know you and I mostly just use carry on. So we’re never bringing, you know, full size items. So this has been really helpful because sunscreen is like the one thing that’s always too big, it seems like. But I’ve been finding some great travel size options lately.
Juliana: Yeah, me too. And I always have like a moisturizer that’s usually travel size when I bring, you know, that I bring on trips with me that always has at least like SPF 30 just because it’s included in the moisturizer anyway. And I love, like during covid, I feel like I just got really into skin care. And so now I’m just like doing all of the different skin care routines that and it’s I love it, you know, my skin has been loving it. When the weather keeps changing in Boston, like one day it’ll be really nice. One day it’s cold. At least you have something normal that your skin is used to. So, you know, definitely invest in a good sunscreen for yourself and, you know, a smaller one for when you travel.
JQ: Yeah, definitely. And I think a good tip is don’t try a new product when you’re going on a trip because you don’t know how your skin will react. Maybe you’ll be allergic or maybe it’ll just upset your skin. So a big tip is to only bring tried and true products that way. You know exactly how it reacts with your skin and you won’t have any issues.
Juliana: Yeah, I know. I feel like when I’m trying a new product, I’m like, OK, I’m going to give myself at least like a month to just try this at home. And I know that that’s not going to, you know, affect me when I’m traveling. So, yeah, that’s a great tip. Jacqueline, I think definitely only bring products you know, your skin is used to definitely.
JQ: And then just some other things that we always bring in. I just throw these in my makeup bag are band aids and like antibacterial like a Neosporin or something.
Juliana: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s just because if you get a cut or anything like that, just you need to have a few because even if you know, hopefully you don’t get anything really bad. But always having a few on hand is a great idea. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
JQ: Exactly. Because, you know, you probably won’t get a bad cut, but you could get blisters, you could get, you know, something like that, a paper cut at the airport. Again, it’s it’s so important to just, you know, you don’t want germs going in there. So bring the Neosporin and bring some backup band aids.
Juliana: Oh, yeah, definitely. And then one other thing that we kind of mentioned was just, you know, face moisturizer. So including that with your sunscreen is just a great idea anywhere you go.
JQ: Exactly. And another great thing about that is if you have any products that can do double duty so that you don’t need to separate products, that also cuts down on space.
Travel Beauty Tips: Makeup

Juliana: Yeah, that’s a great tip. OK, so why don’t we move on to more like the actual makeup that we bring. So, you know, before covid, I think JQ and I love to do makeup with, you know, at home for different events and stuff like that. But obviously when we travel, we want to pack light. I think both of us really like to, you know, utilize as much space as we can. So like bringing maybe a product that can work for two things or just bringing the essentials. So what do you what are your must have makeup items.
JQ: So on some trips, honestly, I only bring mascara and moisturizer if I know it’s going to be an active trip where we won’t be going to fancy dinners. Or that kind of thing, so on any trip where I can really cut down to basically nothing, I do but on, you know, most normal trips, and especially when we’re going to, you know, unlike city trips in Europe or to Miami or Las Vegas, things like that, where I will want to be able to put on a full face of makeup, I only bring one option of each. And I think this can be the toughest thing for girls that love to do makeup is that, you know, normally, you know, you might want to bring a few different eyeshadow palettes, a few different lipsticks, you know, maybe a few different types of foundation, like, you know, a lighter one, a heavier one, whatever. But really, if you want to fit everything in your Ziploc bag in a carry on, you need to pick one of each and they need to be in a small size.
Juliana: Yeah, I totally agree. I think, you know, I kind of judge it by, like, when I’m picking the different colors, I’m like, OK, if I’m only going a please for a week or less than a week, I won’t need all of these different options. So I think about, OK, you know, what are my outfits going to be? What’s the weather going to be like? Is it going to be do I want a more, like, really dark lip or do I want something lighter? So that’s kind of how I pick those things. But I totally agree with Jacqueline. You have to just pick one of each to be able to fit it all in that Ziploc bag. So, you know, and I just like Jacqueline said, when I know it’s going to be a more active trip and not really in a city, I will probably only bring like a mascara and my moisturizers. I won’t really focus on all the different makeup products. So that’s a great tip. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
JQ: Exactly, but, you know, when we are traveling somewhere nice, so, I mean, I like to bring you know, I always use liquid foundation. There’s a great one, the Aqua Luminaires from Chanel. That’s what I use day to day. And it’s kind of a medium coverage which works well for any trip. So I always bring that in now for an eyeshadow palette. So this does double duty for me because I also use the darker eyeshadow to fill in my eyebrows. So I have a Bobby Brown. It’s just kind of a nudes, you know, basic like smoky eye shadow palette. So I use that on my eyes and on my eyebrows and then for lipsticks. So I do always bring two. I always bring like a darker one and then a more nude tone. So I love the, you know, the Chanel long lasting lipsticks. But I’ve been recently getting into the Charlotte Tilbury, kind of like the plumping lip colors. They’re not long lasting technically, but I love the colors. They’re very natural. So I’ve been going with that one for my nude color lipstick and then doing a Chanel one for a more bolder lip and then for bronzer and highlighter. So these are must haves for me just because I love to do kind of that sunkissed glow kind of bronzy look. So I do have a Charlotte Tilbury bronzer and highlighter palette, so it’s a two and one. So I bring that in. That saves on space as well. And then if I do have room, I will also bring a blush and then of course, mascara. So I’m a huge mascara girl and I’ve really found one that I love recently, especially for traveling. It’s from Wonder Beauty and this one is awesome. It wears all day, but it’s not waterproof.
Juliana: So it’s yeah. I was going to ask like the waterproof versus not is kind of like if it’s if it’s waterproof, it’s impossible to get off so but it’s hard to find a non waterproof that stays on all day. So it looks great.

JQ: Exactly. And I love this one because it really goes on kind of like a gel and comes off like a gel. So the thing I hate is if I’m wearing mascara all day, like, I start to get like dark parts, like under my eye if I’m wearing it all day. But this one, it’s literally it goes on like a gel instead of like an ink. So it I don’t know I don’t know how it works, but when you shower, I literally just wash it off in the shower and you can kind of just peel it off with your fingers and it comes off like a solid, not like a, you know, inky make up feel. So it stays on all day and then you can wash it off so easily you don’t even need makeup remover. It just comes off with water.
Juliana: And what was the name of that one again? Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
JQ: So that’s from Wander Beauty and it’s there Mile High Club mascara.
Juliana: Yeah, that’s really cool. Yeah, I know. I’m always looking for it. I’m always willing to try a new mascara just because I feel like if I haven’t found one that I absolutely love. Like why not. Why not keep trying. Yeah. And I think another sort of tip that I always love to do is just bring a moisturizing primer. So I kind of like to, you know, have these tinted moisturizer. Does that serve as like because I honestly don’t wear foundation like I feel like unless my skin really needs it, but I just like to be like super moisturize. And then I put us like a little bit of primer, maybe a little bit of foundation here or there. But I don’t like to really, like, cake it on my whole face, typically even when I travel. So I think bringing a moisturizing primer and or tinted moisturizer is a great, you know, a great little trick because it’s moisturizing and it sort of makes your skin even at the same time. So that’s definitely something I love to do.
JQ: Me too. Yeah. And that’s a great you know, if you’re really trying to pair down, you could just bring that Skip Foundation, maybe even skip your normal moisturizer. And that way, you know, just kind of does double duty and makes your life easier when you’re on your trip. Yeah, exactly.
Juliana: OK, so let’s just move on to any other beauty items that we bring. Obviously, you know, makeup is a whole other thing, I think, for us, you know, Jack and I always like to have our hair looking good if we if we know we want to take a lot of photos or if we’re in a different city trips or beach trips, you know, you know, how do we kind of handle our hair situation? What do you bring?
Hair Tips for Travelers

JQ: Yeah. So I recently got the Dyson air wrap. I got it last fall and I’ve been loving it. I know it is a little bit pricey for sure, but I’m a huge fan. I use it all the time, like I feel like I’ve already gotten my money’s worth out of it. And it actually is really easy to travel with because the great thing is, since it has all the different attachments, when you take it off, it’s just a thin cylinder. So it’s basically so it’s the same size as a curling iron, essentially. And then you can bring whatever attachments that you want, depending on the hairstyles you’re planning on doing. So usually on trips I just bring one attachment. I just bring the, you know, kind of the brush one where I can do like a sleek blowout. But you could also do it sleek or curlier, depending on what you want to do. I think it’s the most versatile of the tops. So I just bring that super easy and I. My hair will always be looking good because I can at least always do a sleek blowout, so that’s been my go to look and I love it. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Juliana: Yeah, I know. I think you and I love to just have it. Like, I feel like my hair and our hair type kind of just looks best when it’s just a sleek blowout, like I used to think, because also a lot of these kind of different blow drying tools really became popular during covid because obviously not a lot of salons are open and people wanted to be able to do their hair at home. And I actually got the brush X during in the fall last year. And I use it all the time when I want my hair to just look like sleek blowout. And it’s, you know, I don’t know, it’s probably not as good as Dyson era, but it is like really much cheaper. I haven’t brought it on any trips yet because it is kind of big. So that’s the only thing. It’s probably not the most like travel friendly, but, you know, there are all of these different tools out there now that you can really get like a sleek blow dry at home or when you travel. So that’s definitely something great that I feel like has kind of come out of covid and that sort of thing. But yeah. And then other sort of beauty items I think we always bring with us and I just like leave it in my travel makeup bag. It’s like nail clippers, you know, a wide tooth comb or a brush.
JQ: And don’t forget tweezers. I think nail clippers, tweezers, a wide tooth comb like those are things you always need because you need to deep tangle your hair, you know, if you need to pluck a few eyebrows, that kind of thing, like you want to have those with you because they’ll be hard to find when you’re in your destination. And it just won’t be worth the time that you’ll spend, like hunting around looking for a drugstore to buy these things and get your coat if your hotel can’t offer them to you. So always just throw these things in your travel bag and just leave it there. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Juliana: That’s what I. Yeah. And then actually one other thing I thought of with, like, the dice and hair wraps or any of the hair styling tools, I actually bought a hair curler in Paris like two years ago. And, you know, you and I have been talking about this for a long time, like not having the right adapter or just adapters never working. When you have, you know, the US plug and you’re trying to use it in Europe, it always just burns. It always doesn’t work. So I actually just bought like a cheap, you know, drugstore curling iron in Paris two years ago. And I it worked totally fine.
JQ: So I’m just like, you know, it might as well you know, that’s actually that’s actually a really good tip, because when I was on study abroad, I had my, you know, my U.S. hair straightener and it started to smoke in the outlet when I put it in the adapter because. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Juliana: So scary.
JQ: No, because, like, hair appliances use a lot of electricity because they have to heat up. So, like, they use more electricity than, like a phone outlet or, you know, other things. So those adapters rarely work. So yeah. Yeah, that’s a really good point. Like either make sure like double check that you have the right adapter or just buy one when you’re in Europe and then keep it. So yeah, I forget, I think I used to have a euro hair curler too. I don’t know where that went so I gave you one this time. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!

Juliana: I know what I want to get. Like if and this is the thing, it’s like whenever in Paris I’m not like specifically thinking about this, but it’s totally worth the effort of trying to find like a relatively good one, because then you can just bring it every time you go there. But the one I had is like a really thin curling iron, which I typically like the thicker ones because I like the bigger curls. But it worked totally fine. And obviously, you know, the voltage was right. I feel like when you try to buy the adapters, even if the voltage is correct, they just burn up. So just don’t ruin your, you know, American straighteners or curlers because it’s not worth it.
JQ: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And then obviously, you know, just some other things like don’t forget deodorant, don’t forget toothpaste. Like you don’t think of things that you won’t have at your hotel. I mean, the great thing is a lot of hotels now are offering more beauty products. It’s been great. Like even if you they don’t leave it in the room, if you ask, they’ll give it to you, like shaving cream, razors, toothbrushes. Yeah, you can always ask. You can always ask. And especially, you know, at luxury hotels, they’ll have more items. So, you know, don’t worry if you forget, but it’s good to just have a routine of your travel beauty products and makeup products that you just bring the same ones every time because that’s what we do.
Interview with Haley Navarro
Juliana: Yeah, exactly. Today we’re chatting with Haley Navarro. You can follow her on Instagram at @haleymakeupartist and check out her website at it’s haleynavarromakeup.com .
Haley: Hey, girls, thank you for having me. I’m so excited to be on here today.
JQ: Awesome. Well, thanks for coming on. We’re super excited to chat. It’s crazy. The last time we saw you was in Rome at my wedding. I can’t believe it’s been that long already, but we wanted to chat with you first about, you know, you’ve been in Morocco during covid. We’d love to just hear a little bit about your experience in that because, you know, you’re from the Boston area like us and, you know, you’ve been in Morocco this whole time with your husband. So we’re just so excited to kind of hear about your experience a little bit.
Haley: So it’s been a journey. It’s been a little bit tough because as soon as I moved here, it was pretty much the locks down like three months after I moved here. And then during the lockdown, it was just like no one can go outside. They were super strict here, which it’s still pretty much the same situation. Went on a lockdown, but pretty much everything is still strict. You need to have your mask on. They need to check your temperature at every place. They’re pretty strict. But then, of course, in the restaurants and everything, they’re like a little bit more laid back. But they’ve been handling it really well. They’ve already given like four million vaccines. So they’re like the top of the list for most vaccinated countries so far. So it’s pretty good here. And they started to welcome back tourists. But then it’s Ramadan. So it’s pretty quiet at the moment. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Juliana: Right? I know Jack and I were kind of we talked about in one of our episodes, like Morocco is definitely on our list.
Haley: You girls, you love it here. Yeah, it’s gorgeous.
Juliana: Like so many great photo opportunities. And there’s literally every street.
Haley: Yeah, exactly. Girls would never be bored here. Like, there’s just so much to do for tourists to.
Juliana: Yeah, I know. Me and Jaclyn really need to go. Well great. So now just, you know, shifting a little bit towards makeup because obviously you’re a very a huge expert. You know, what’s kind of and maybe we can think like pre covid what’s kind of your everyday makeup look like in Morocco vs Boston? You know, the weather’s pretty different, you know. Tell us a bit about that. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Haley: So definitely I mean, in Boston, too, and here as well, but the most important SPF like you definitely have to have SPF because it’s so sunny here all the time. I mean, it’s sunny most of the year, even throughout the winter. So definitely SPF in it depends on where you’re going here. Like, if you’re going to like the old city or lamattina shopping, like those souks and everything, you’re going to want to wear probably almost near nothing, maybe just like a tinted moisturizer and some lip balm or something. You don’t want to cause too much attention with a lot of makeup, but then there’s so many places to go out and you can wear like something really glam. There’s so many cute restaurants and so many hotels that you can sit by the pool. So I would definitely go for like a full glam if I’m going to one of those places. But just out and about, I would definitely just keep it really simple, even more simple than an everyday make up look in Boston.
JQ: Gotcha. No awesome tips. I know, like all the photos I’ve seen of, you know, like especially like bloggers and stuff going to Morocco, I feel like it’s definitely like that balance of, you know, like either like fully natural or like super glam at some of all those really cool hotspots.
Haley: So, yeah, it’s definitely one of the two. It’s like not really in between. Awesome.
JQ: All right. Well, so kind of getting more into the travel side of things. So like, what are some of your must have products for? If we’re going to like a hot weather place versus a cold weather place, like just what are some of the things you’d recommend that people have to bring with them? You know, that might be different in different climates.
Haley: Yeah. So I would say traveling is definitely you want to keep it simple and just kind of like minimalize your makeup bag. I would use products that are like multi functional things that you can use for like your lips, cheeks, everything in one. I would pretty much stick to creams because of that. So anything you can put on your lips and also throw in your cheeks. And for hot weather, you want to keep like a like a little powder in your bag, just a touch up girl. The days that you don’t get oily in the cold weather, that’s when you can get away with so much more makeup because you’re not going to melt of your oily skin. So I would definitely try whatever in cold weather because it’s not going to come off especially like. You’re one thing I would do is I would do waterproof mascara in the winter because as super watery and you don’t want it to smudge.
Juliana: You know, I feel like especially wearing the mask all the time in the winter, you know, it’s so cold here and you’re breathing and it’s like you’re breathing sort of like hot air up toward your eyes and your eyes. Water and the mascara. I would think I’m just like, this is coming off my eyes and it just gets everywhere. So definitely waterproof. Yeah. Yeah. Waterproof for sure. Especially with the whole with the mask.
Haley: It’s a whole other makeup routine. Yeah, exactly. It’s I honestly like with the mask, it’s just it’s annoying because any lipstick you wear is just like it’s going to kind of come off your desk. So. Yeah lip stains in that case.
Juliana: So they, they don’t go anywhere. Yeah. So I know, you know, obviously you travel a lot, you’ve been to a lot of different places for, you know, doing makeup at weddings and stuff like that. So what’s your sort of travel makeup routine. Obviously I know it can kind of depend on the weather like we just talked about and where you’re going, but what do you, like, absolutely have to bring with you when you travel? Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Haley: When I travel, like I said, I don’t like to bring a lot, because when I do when I have read a lot, I end up looking at my makeup bag and I’m like, I didn’t even use it. So it’s such a pain. And I definitely just like to use multi-functional items like I don’t bring pallets with me and I don’t bring things that I can only use. Like one time I use things that I can kind of like wear in the morning and then dramatize for the nighttime. So if I’m going to do something really natural in the daytime and bring like a maybe like a black eye shadow or a black eyeliner pencil, I will just dramatize it for the nighttime and just touch up so that I’m not like spending way too much time doing my makeup. Because when you’re traveling, especially the destination that you’re going to if there’s like a lot to do, you’re not going to stay in the hotel doing my makeup. So anything that I can do quick and I’ll go. And then when I come back and I want to touch up to go maybe have dinner plans or if there’s like something to do at night, I will just kind of like dramatize it a little bit. Just enhance it. Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. Oh, that’s a really good idea.
JQ: I know, because I think, like, the big thing is like I don’t know, like when we’re traveling, like obviously especially for us and for you, Haley, like we want to look good for photos mainly. But like when we’re there, it’s like, you know, we’re there to have fun. So, you know, you want to be spending too much time getting ready. So I love that.
Haley: But, you know, yeah, that’s a great show off color. I would pretty much go for, like I said, like creams and stains. Just something that you can keep in your bag if you’re going to have like a natural makeup look and you want to take a picture that you can quickly just throw on. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Haley: Yeah, exactly. I know I will. I just love like your face always looks so define like any pictures I see of you are like but it looks really natural at the same time. But it’s like OK you can clearly see like her brows look amazing, her eyes. But it’s, it’s not like you need to wear a ton of makeup to accomplish that, which is what I love about it.
Haley: Yeah. Just like, like the things that are going to stand out in the photo. Pretty much. Yeah. It’s good to look in the camera and do your makeup while you’re in the camera so that you can see what’s going to show up the most in the camera.
Juliana: That’s a really great tip. We should do that, especially when we’re taking so many photos at all the different places we’re going to go.
Haley: You should do that in person. Maybe like too much blush will look like too much. But in the camera, if you put a lot of flesh on it, we’ll just pop.
JQ: So I guess, Haley, so now that people are traveling again and especially, you know, international is opening back up, which means longer plane rides, what are some of the things that you bring with you when you’re on long plane rides? Like I know for me, like I used to love, like the moisturizing missed, like pre covid because it was just like so quick to like, I would spray it on like a million times during long to, like, stay moisturized. I don’t know. Are there any other like what do you bring with you? Is there anything like do you do a skincare routine on a flight like you know, what do you do.
Haley: I actually if it’s going to be a long flight, I actually bring a sheet mask, I don’t even care who’s looking, I just put this mask on. Yeah, like those Korean sheet masks are amazing and your skin feels so good when you get off the plane and definitely like a lift mask is essential. My lips get so dry on the plane. So I recommend like the linage little lips masks. That’s really good for the airplane. And just like maybe one or two sheet masks , depending on how long the flight is. And then your moisturizer, if you’re going to get off the plane and just keep moisturizing. Yeah, that’s a great tip. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Juliana: I know whenever I’m on the plane, I just try to drink as much water as I possibly can to just not like get dehydrated so easily. Yeah.
Haley: And then you’re up and down low, though, right? Yeah, exactly.
JQ: I know it’s crazy. We haven’t been on like a long like, you know, more than four hour flight in so long, like the longest. The place that I’ve traveled to was Aruba and that’s like three and a half hours.
Haley: So, you know, pictures and videos from there were so beautiful though.
JQ: It was I mean, I’m so happy I went and so, like, I feel so lucky that I got to go. But it’s crazy. Like, I was like, whoa, this flight is so long. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
Juliana: And I was like, you know, I’m like, well, I told Jacqueline, like, I’m starting to because, you know, your grief is opening and hopefully, like, France is going to open in the summer. And so I’m just going to, like, buy a flight to go there. I’m like, oh, my God, this is going to be like I was going to do Aer Lingus and stop in Dublin. Like, this is going to be a long day of traveling. But like before, it used to be pretty normal, like, oh, stop in Dublin, like are on my way to Paris. Like now I’m like, OK, I can’t do more than like four hours because I know the longest place I went was Puerto Rico and it’s like three and a half hours.
Haley: So I haven’t even traveled at all. They have like very limited flights. And I was supposed to come back to Boston, but they actually pretty much canceled the flights from directly from Casablanca to Boston. That was a quick like five and a half hour flight. It’s canceled for the time being. And it’s a direct flight to Boston. It used to be a direct flight to Boston. Right.
Juliana: I know JQ and I were looking at flights to Morocco and I was like, the only issue is that a lot of them aren’t direct. And so they would like stop through Paris or something. And, you know, back in in like the winter, I was like, I don’t want to risk going, like trying to go to Morocco then not being like let in like in Europe or somewhere.
Haley: So we just it’s like, yeah, Europe is up and down. oh my God, I know. I mean, if you can’t come in. So it would be literally like every day. Yeah. We don’t want to risk it until it’s like it’s for sure open. So the easiest route now is to go from Boston to Portugal and then down to markets. It’s really quick. Boston to Portugal I think is like maybe five to six hours as well. And then down to market like maybe one hour. Oh, it’s really quick.
Juliana: Yeah. Like air Portugal or something.
JQ: You really want to go and really want to really want to go. Yeah. Morocco has been on my list forever. Yeah.
Haley: I know every climate that they have here, they have like a snow city that looks like Switzerland. They have cliffs on the beach, the desert. They have literally every single climate you can think of. You can go make argan oil. You can so cool everything. Yeah. Ride camels. Yeah.
Juliana: So fun for the pictures. Keep reading for more travel beauty and makeup tips!
JQ: Yeah. All right. Well thank you so much, Hayley. We love all of your tips. I know our listeners will find them so helpful. I know that you’ve gotten all of us excited about Morocco, so thanks for that as well. So where can people follow you? You know, how can they make appointments? I know you do a lot of destination weddings all over the world. So, you know, where can people find you?
Haley: Yeah. So they can contact me directly on my website. So it’s haleynavarromakeup.com and they go to the contact page. They can fill out a contact sport and I will get the email directly.
JQ: Amazing. Thank you so much. Oh well thank you for having me.
Juliana: Thank you, Haley. Stay tuned for more travel tips. And don’t forget to subscribe and give us a review if you enjoy our podcast. Thanks JQ:
JQ: Thanks, Juliana